About Hogan Assessment Systems
This test has been developed with the goal of predicting job performance based on the relevant person’s values, motivation, potential and strengths…as well as the areas they need to develop.
Hogan Assessment Systems has been developed by the American professors Dr Robert Hogan and Dr Joyce Hogan of the University of Tulsa. Their method has the benefit of over 50 years’ worth of research behind it.
Hogan Assessment is used by more than 50% of America’s FORTUNE 100 companies for everything from recruitment to selection/promotion, talent management, individual leadership development and coaching.
The test has been developed with the purpose of:
Indicating how the relevant person is perceived by others (as opposed to how the person perceives him/herself)
Predicting job performance based upon the person’s values, motivation, potential and strengths…as well as the areas they need to develop.
These are factors that are relevant in relation to:
Being able to create business-oriented results
Being able to motivate and engage, whether in relation to team members or an entire organisation
It’s about putting strong players in place
Kickstart the process today. Your first meeting with me is always free – of course!
The test consists of three parts
The ”potential” section.
Predicts strengths and performance.
This section corresponds to other personality tests. However, the Hogan method supplements this with two unique tests, namely:
Predicts strengths and performance.
This section corresponds to other personality tests. However, the Hogan method supplements this with two unique tests, namely:
1. HDS
A forecast of areas requiring development, what will happen when the candidate faces pressure, is under stress, is bored, lacks acknowledgement – or when their abilities are taken to extremes, tripping them up and sending them off their career path (“derailers”).
Reveals something of the person’s values and what motivates them.
I am driven by curiosity and a fascination with the difference between people
– Christine Waldmann
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